About Me

04:35 0 Comments

I’m Sunny, and this is my blog! I’m a 23 year old guy, with multiple passions. I have always loved cooking, clothing and food, and have been bitten by blogging by my better half - MsDriftedSW. Hopefully this blog is going to combine the best of the everything, no doubt with a few random articles thrown in too.

In a few bulletpoints:

I’m a graduate from Aston University
I love to play hockey
I’m an amateur event tech and freelance event manager
I have no idea what I want to do with my life
I’m an IT techie by day
I live in Manchester/Marlow
My blog is a reflection of my mood, hence why some months it’ll all be food posts, others it’ll grooming, and others there’ll be no content at all. But if there’s anything you’d like to see, drop me an e-mail. There is a lot more too, but I shan’t bore you. If there is anything you want to know, either e-mail me or follow me on twitter.